Monday, 13 June 2011

Silent Running Album Artwork

Went for the '70's style that's so 'in' at the mo ;)

'Fighting Chance' Splash Screen prototype

Eventually became known as 'Don Kings Prizefighter'

'Monster 4X4 Stunt Racer' GUI Layout

Rage Logo 'Wild Wild Racing' Ident

Rage ident created for Rage Software... 'Eons' ago

'Expendable' Logo

US Version

EU Logo

'Sabre Team' Boxart

Another piece for Atomic Planet

'Highrise' Boxart

Box-art for videogame company Atomic Planet Ltd.

Dopedemand - Alternative Logo

'Venom' Logo

Venom Games logo - The one we eventually used

Mosquito Logo

'Psikat' logo

Dopedemand Poster

Monodog Logo